Nightscaper 2024
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Thursday, September 26


Dream Locations for Night Photography (sponsored by Dreamland Safari Tours)
Thursday September 26, 2024 TBA
Cody York, Dreamland Safari Tours Milky Way instructor shares some of his favorite night sky locations in Northern Arizona, including the best times to visit, what it takes to get there and how to set yourself up for success. 

Cody York

Photographer, Cody York Photography Inc.
Cody York is professional landscape/commercial photographer based in Cleveland, Ohio. With over 20+ years of experience in the industry Cody has photographed everything from action sports to the Milky Way and everything in-between. When he's not on assignments for commercial clients... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 TBA

9:00am PDT

Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am PDT
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

12:30pm PDT

Deepscapes 1: Image Design and Capture
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
By now, you’ve undoubtedly seen epic deepscape images appear across the various Nightscaper communities and the rest of photo-sharing world. Deepscapes combine a compelling deep-sky object (the “deep” in deepscape)—such as a nebula, star cluster, distant galaxy or even a constellation—along with a foreground landscape (the “scape” in deepscape)—such as a mountain, building or other Earth-based feature of interest. In this first presentation of a two-part series, Mike will discuss how to design your deepscape image using various planning tools, including a planisphere, Stellarium, Planit Pro and PhotoPills. Part of this will describe the top deep-sky objects and when/where/how to find them. Next, you will learn the technical steps needed to capture the deep-sky and foreground images necessary for blending into a deepscape, including when and how to use a star tracker as a critical part of the process along with suggested camera settings.
avatar for Mike Shaw

Mike Shaw

Night Photography Teacher, Mike Shaw Photography
Mike Shaw is an internationally recognized night photography teacher who loves exploring the universe with his camera. He is the author of two books on night photography, The Complete Guide to Landscape Astrophotography and Creative Nightscapes and Time-Lapses. He is the host of the... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom C 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

12:30pm PDT

How to Plan your Sun, Moon and Milky Way Photos with PhotoPills
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Join Rafael (the bard of PhotoPills) and learn how to use PhotoPills to plan your photos involving the sun, natural light, the moon and the Milky Way.

Rafael Pons

The Bard of PhotoPills, PhotoPills
Surprisingly enough, PhotoPills co-founder Rafael Pons claims not to be a photographer. However, he travels the world teaching how to use PhotoPills to help photographers imagine, plan and shoot legendary photos. With more than 600,000 downloads worldwide, the PhotoPills app has become... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

3:00pm PDT

Star Trails: Super Simple, Better and Awesome
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Royce has always been a “Milky Way Nightscape” photographer. In fact, he wrote the book on photographing starry night skies as points of light. So why is he giving a presentation on star trails?
1. Because at least one-quarter of the year doesn’t have a Milky Way core to photography.
2. Because many of our best foreground subjects face north, or northwest and northeast.
3. Because star trails are uniquely different and interesting.
This presentation will show four different ways to make star trails: two are super easy, and two are a little more complicated. One technique may give you results beyond your wildest dreams!
avatar for Royce Bair

Royce Bair

Astro-Landscape Photographer, Royce Bair & Associates
Royce Bair has been a professional magazine and illustrative advertising photographer for 3 decades. He also finds satisfaction helping other photographers achieve their vision through his writings, international lectures and workshops. As a dark sky advocate, Royce was one of the... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

3:00pm PDT

T: Jeff Leimbach (sponsored by Canon)
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom C 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

4:15pm PDT

Unlocking Your Camera’s Night Sky Potential (sponsored by Nikon)
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:15pm - 5:15pm PDT
So … you are in Utah. The moon is new. The sky is clear. It is the middle of the night. You are actually awake and on location. Now is not the time to worry about your camera settings. Join Nikon’s Paul Van Allen before you head out, for an in-depth look at some of the tech buried in your camera that is made just for night sky imaging.

Paul Van Allen

Nikon Professional Services, Nikon
Paul Van Allen has been with Nikon since 1994 and holds the position of a NPS Market Representative for Nikon Professional Services. He is an educator,  a creator, author, photographer and the ‘Button & Menu’ expert on the Nikon team.
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:15pm - 5:15pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA
Friday, September 27

11:15am PDT

Selections and Masks Masterclass
Friday September 27, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
avatar for Tim Cooper

Tim Cooper

Partner, Instructor, Director of Finance at National Parks at Night, Night Photo Summit & Nightscaper Photo Conference, National Parks at Night
Partner, Instructor, Director of Finance at National Parks at Night, Night Photo Summit & Nightscaper Photo Conference Tim began his career as a commercial and assignment photographer working for clients such as The North Face, The Ritz Carlton, Vasque boots, 3M and Blue Note Records... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

12:30pm PDT

Deepscapes 2: Image Optimization and Blending
Friday September 27, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
In this second presentation of a two-part Deepscapes series, Mike will detail how to separately optimize the deep-sky and foreground images captured in the field and blend them into a stunning deepscape image. Specifically, you will learn:

• how to apply the latest basic and advanced tools in Adobe Lightroom to bring out the best features of your deep-sky images
• how to stack multiple deep-sky and foreground images separately for noise reduction
• how to remove a background color cast/vignette using PixInsight
• how to remove the stars from your stacked deep-sky image for separate editing of the stars-only and starless images, and then re-combining in Photoshop using layers and masks
• how to seamlessly blend the optimized deep-sky and foreground images into a deepscape using layers and selection tools in Photoshop
• how to use the Selective Color tool in Photoshop to make your deepscape pop

These methods will allow you to refine your images at each step and create a custom deepscape photograph that genuinely reflects your artistic vision.
avatar for Mike Shaw

Mike Shaw

Night Photography Teacher, Mike Shaw Photography
Mike Shaw is an internationally recognized night photography teacher who loves exploring the universe with his camera. He is the author of two books on night photography, The Complete Guide to Landscape Astrophotography and Creative Nightscapes and Time-Lapses. He is the host of the... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

12:30pm PDT

Mastering PhotoPills (from Beginner to Pro)
Friday September 27, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
If you have PhotoPills and don’t know how to use it to plan your photos, join Rafael to learn how to really use this powerful app once and for all. He will cover in detail all the main tools PhotoPills includes to help you plan your photos from home and in the field.

Rafael Pons

The Bard of PhotoPills, PhotoPills
Surprisingly enough, PhotoPills co-founder Rafael Pons claims not to be a photographer. However, he travels the world teaching how to use PhotoPills to help photographers imagine, plan and shoot legendary photos. With more than 600,000 downloads worldwide, the PhotoPills app has become... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA
Saturday, September 28

11:15am PDT

A Beginner’s Guide to Night Panoramas
Saturday September 28, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Making panoramas in the daytime is challenging, but the complexity increases at night. If you’re wondering how to get started, this is the presentation for you. Matt, a deeply passionate panorama photographer, will introduce you to ideas on how to visualize a panorama, how to use the gear you have and what gear you may consider for your next upgrade. He will also cover techniques for capturing single-row and multirow panos, as well as vertoramas and time-shifted twilight and star blends. Finally he will give a basic primer on three approaches to stitching your newly created panos in Lightroom, Photoshop and PTGUI Pro. Even experienced pano photographers are likely to pick up some new ideas during this presentation. So join Matt for a presentation that includes everything from planning to exporting night panoramas, with an emphasis on clear, simple explanations for those looking to broaden their photographic perspective.
avatar for Matt Hill

Matt Hill

Partner, Instructor, Director of Marketing at National Parks at Night, Night Photo Summit & Nightscaper Photo Conference, National Parks at Night
Matt Hill is an upstate New York-based photographer, artist and educator. His passion for night photography is eclipsed only by his urge to share this knowledge and to continue to hone his skills. He’s very forward about the fact that he rarely shoots photos during the day. Matt... Read More →
Saturday September 28, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

11:15am PDT

Exploring the Infrared Universe with Webb
Saturday September 28, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
The James Webb Space Telescope has been a scientific feat over 25 years in the making. Since its launch, we have seen the infrared universe like never before. In this presentation, Alyssa, science visuals developer for the Space Telescope Science Institute, will look at Webb’s remarkable journey and the incredible images Webb has provided. She will also explore the science behind these images, including what they tell us about galaxy evolution, the formation of stars and planets, exoplanetary systems, our own solar system, and more!

Alyssa Pagan

Science Visuals Developer, Space Telescope Science Institute
Alyssa Pagan is a science visuals developer in the Office of Public Outreach at the Space Telescope Science Institute. She earned a bachelor’s degree in art and design from Towson University, and subsequently a degree in astronomy from The University of Maryland, College Park... Read More →
Saturday September 28, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

12:30pm PDT

Beyond the Visible: Exploring the Cosmos through Hyperspectral Imaging
Saturday September 28, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Embark on a captivating journey that transcends the boundaries of traditional astronomical observation. Hyperspectral imaging, a technology that captures image data across the electromagnetic spectrum, has revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos. From the detailed mapping of Martian geology to unveiling the dynamic processes of Earth’s own atmosphere, this technique provides an unprecedented multispectral view, revealing insights that the naked eye or conventional imaging cannot discern.

Bryony will delve into the advanced methodologies employed in capturing these images, focusing on how different wavelengths can unravel unique aspects of planetary surfaces, atmospheric compositions and deep space phenomena. The talk highlights significant findings from recent hyperspectral missions, including the intricacies of Martian mineralogy uncovered by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the nuanced environmental monitoring of Earth.

Additionally, we explore the potential of hyperspectral imaging in future space exploration and its role in answering some of the most perplexing questions in astronomy and planetary science. From analyzing lunar regolith to probing the composition of distant celestial objects, the applications are as vast as the universe itself.

Join us in exploring how hyperspectral imaging not only enhances our current understanding but also paves the way for new discoveries in the vast and mysterious expanse of our universe.
avatar for Bryony Richards

Bryony Richards

Scientist, Photographer, Utah Astrophotography
Dr. Bryony Richards was born in the United Kingdom and has spent her adult life studying, working and taking photographs across Europe, Oceania, Africa and the USA. She holds a doctor of philosophy degree in geology from the University of London, with her subsequent research and... Read More →
Saturday September 28, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

3:00pm PDT

Preparing Nightscape Images for Print
Saturday September 28, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Printing images is another art form in itself. Printing nightscape images takes it to a whole different level. Have you ever sent your image to a lab only to receive back a print that is too dark to see any detail and has a completely wrong color? In this presentation, Kristine will teach the process for preparing nightscape files for print. You will learn about hardware specifications and calibrations, as well as editing techniques and necessary software. Kristine will demo with Photoshop and print out examples.
avatar for Kristine Richer

Kristine Richer

Artist, Kristine Rose Photography
Kristine Richer is a fine art nightscape photographer and educator who lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, and teaches students all over the world through her online programs. She holds degrees in fine arts and design. She worked in corporate creative for 11 years running a product photography... Read More →
Saturday September 28, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

4:15pm PDT

Become a Night Photography Multitasker: Crafting Star Points, Star Trails and Cinemagraphic Time-Lapses from a Single Tripod
Saturday September 28, 2024 4:15pm - 5:15pm PDT
Dive into the captivating realm of visual storytelling, where a single set of photographs becomes a canvas for creativity. In this presentation, you’ll learn the art of multidimensional photography using just one tripod setup. From mesmerizing point-of-light images that evoke celestial beauty to star trail-inspired visual journeys, dynamic cinemagraphs that breathe life into still frames and time-lapse wonders that unfold the magic of time itself. Discover the secrets behind creating three distinct products from a unified photographic foundation. Unleash your creativity, master innovative techniques and transform ordinary moments into extraordinary visual narratives. Join Katrina to explore the limitless possibilities of photographic expression.

Katrina Brown

Commercial Photographer & Instructor, Katrina Brown Photographer
Katrina Brown is an avid nighttime photographer who loves to make images instead of take them. She thoroughly enjoys the complex dance of choreographing elements to work together to make what a lot of people think is an impossible photo. Shooting at night sparked a passion within... Read More →
Saturday September 28, 2024 4:15pm - 5:15pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

5:30pm PDT

Nighttime Sequences
Saturday September 28, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm PDT
avatar for Michael Frye

Michael Frye

Photographer, Michael Frye Photography
Michael Frye is a professional photographer specializing in landscapes and nature. He lives near Yosemite National Park in California, but travels extensively to photograph natural landscapes in the American West and throughout the world. Michael uses light, weather and image design... Read More →
Saturday September 28, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

5:30pm PDT

The Art of Composites: The In-Field Guide
Saturday September 28, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm PDT
Join Jess to unlock the secrets behind crafting a dreamy composites. Like every good night image, the process starts in the field. In this presentation Jess will explore a galaxy of techniques to seamlessly capture all the pieces you need to create your first composite masterpiece. This first of a two-talk series will focus specifically on what and how we can shoot in field to set ourselves up for success in the digital dark room. Are you ready to capture the magic of the night sky like never before? Because who said the universe couldn’t use a touch of your creativity?
avatar for Jess Santos

Jess Santos

Landscape and Astrophotographer, The Image Guild
Jess Santos is a wanderer at heart, constantly on a road trip to anywhere. She spends most of the year teaching and adventuring in the Wild West chasing the vibrant colors of desert landscapes and the distant glow of the Milky Way. Although she calls Arizona home, she is always excited... Read More →
Saturday September 28, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA
Sunday, September 29

11:15am PDT

Complex Lighting with One Flashlight
Sunday September 29, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
avatar for Michael Frye

Michael Frye

Photographer, Michael Frye Photography
Michael Frye is a professional photographer specializing in landscapes and nature. He lives near Yosemite National Park in California, but travels extensively to photograph natural landscapes in the American West and throughout the world. Michael uses light, weather and image design... Read More →
Sunday September 29, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

11:15am PDT

The Art and Science Behind How Webb Images are Made
Sunday September 29, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
The amazing visions from the Webb Space Telescope have captivated the world. However, there is a long and involved process by which the scientific black and white observational data are transformed into dynamic color imagery for the public. Join image specialist Alyssa Pagan as she discusses, details and demonstrates the art and science of translating infrared light, as well as the importance of creating these images in the first place, in serving to educate, engage and inspire.

Alyssa Pagan

Science Visuals Developer, Space Telescope Science Institute
Alyssa Pagan is a science visuals developer in the Office of Public Outreach at the Space Telescope Science Institute. She earned a bachelor’s degree in art and design from Towson University, and subsequently a degree in astronomy from The University of Maryland, College Park... Read More →
Sunday September 29, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

12:30pm PDT

Lunar Landscapes: Capturing the Moon’s Geological Tale Through the Lens of Astrophotography
Sunday September 29, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Bryony will discuss the moon’s surface features, from the ancient, cratered highlands to the dark, basaltic plains of the Maria, captured in detail by advanced lunar astrophotographic techniques.

Using earth nightscape analogs, she will delve into the moon’s geologic past, examining how its impact craters, basins, lava flows, and tectonic scarps and ridges tell a story of a dynamic celestial body. This journey through lunar topography is not only a testament to the moon’s complex geologic processes but also reveals the impact of space weathering, a phenomenon that continually alters the lunar surface.

By integrating high-resolution astrophotography, this presentation aims to provide a dynamic look at the moon’s geology, offering insights into its formation and evolution. The talk will also discuss how these findings are pivotal for future lunar explorations and understanding similar processes on other planetary bodies.
avatar for Bryony Richards

Bryony Richards

Scientist, Photographer, Utah Astrophotography
Dr. Bryony Richards was born in the United Kingdom and has spent her adult life studying, working and taking photographs across Europe, Oceania, Africa and the USA. She holds a doctor of philosophy degree in geology from the University of London, with her subsequent research and... Read More →
Sunday September 29, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

2:30pm PDT

Pixel-Perfect Cosmos: Mastering Astro-Landscape Photography and Light Painting with Google Pixel
Sunday September 29, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Consider astro-landscape photography and light painting with a mobile device. Embark on a photographic odyssey with the power of a Google Pixel 8 Pro! In this immersive class, Katrina will guide you through the art of capturing the night sky with the manual settings of this amazing mobile device. Learn how to harness the capabilities of a Pixel to photograph celestial wonders, from starry landscapes to mesmerizing galaxies. Dive into the enchanting world of light painting, where your Pixel becomes a brush and the night sky transforms into your canvas. Discover the secrets of painting with mobile-phone light to add an extra layer of magic to your photographs. Join us as we combine cutting-edge technology with timeless photographic techniques, bringing the universe to life through the lens of your mobile phone. Let’s capture the cosmos together!

Katrina Brown

Commercial Photographer & Instructor, Katrina Brown Photographer
Katrina Brown is an avid nighttime photographer who loves to make images instead of take them. She thoroughly enjoys the complex dance of choreographing elements to work together to make what a lot of people think is an impossible photo. Shooting at night sparked a passion within... Read More →
Sunday September 29, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

3:45pm PDT

Sell Your First Print
Sunday September 29, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm PDT
Have you ever wondered what it takes to sell your nightscape photos as prints? With the time and equipment you’ve already invested into your work, it would be nice to make some profit! But how do we get started? It’s time to understand the real reason why people buy prints, the minimum you need to have set up in order to sell your work, and how to get started. You will come away frm this talk with a strategy you can implement immediately to sell your first print.
avatar for Kristine Richer

Kristine Richer

Artist, Kristine Rose Photography
Kristine Richer is a fine art nightscape photographer and educator who lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, and teaches students all over the world through her online programs. She holds degrees in fine arts and design. She worked in corporate creative for 11 years running a product photography... Read More →
Sunday September 29, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA

3:45pm PDT

The Art of Composites: Photoshop Wizardry
Sunday September 29, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm PDT
In this second of a two-talk series, explore the artistry behind combining multiple images using the magic of Photoshop to create the intriguing night images. Jess will show how to seamlessly blend two or more images together using her entire composite workflow. From mastering the art of composition to harnessing the power of color balance, this session will set you on your creative path to opening up new editing possibilities.
avatar for Jess Santos

Jess Santos

Landscape and Astrophotographer, The Image Guild
Jess Santos is a wanderer at heart, constantly on a road trip to anywhere. She spends most of the year teaching and adventuring in the Wild West chasing the vibrant colors of desert landscapes and the distant glow of the Milky Way. Although she calls Arizona home, she is always excited... Read More →
Sunday September 29, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm PDT
Kanab Center Ballroom A 20 N 100 E, Kanab, UT 84741, USA
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